
How and why do people, products, ideas and information (human characteristics) move from one place to another?

What moves? How? Why? When? Where? Who is affected?



How and why CHARACTERISTICS of PLACE (like people, products, information), MOVE from one LOCATION to another.

Notice that this "theme" uses lots of other "themes." Physical or human characteristics move from one location to another.

Some examples of MOVEMENT:

  • People in Fairfield eat Italian or Chinese food.

  • People in Japan play baseball.

  • People in the USA buy diamonds that are mined in Africa.

  • Religious ideas spread from one place to another

  • People in India see American movies, songs.

List evidence from Culturegrams that show movement of people, products or information:

1. PEOPLE: Look in the Getting Around (in the green section) section of Culturegrams. How do people move around this country? Is there Tourism? (people from other places coming in)

2. PRODUCTS: Look in the Money and Economy (in the green section) of Cutluregrams. List one product the country produces and trades to other countries. (exports)

3. INFORMATION: Ideas, information and thinking can move from one region to another by people talking to each other in person or online. Look at the topics in the Look at the Interviews (bottom right). Read one FULL Interview. Are there similar ideas or information to how you live your life? Are there differences?

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