Slide Show
Optional: model or artifact to go with Slide Show

  1. PLAN!!!

Take a look at your essay. Think about how you will divide it up into pieces for a slide show. You can use the same strategy used for the make a movie project. See the video to the right.

Another good suggestion would be to find your essay planner and see how each paragraph is divided up into details. The essay planner is also a good outline for your slide show.

THIS IS ACTUALLY THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP: without this, you will get stuck making your slide show.

Rome Movie: Creating a Script from Your Essay.mp4

2. Open Google Slides and Set Up the Structure of the Slide Show -Use your essay to help you with this.

3. Only THEN, find images and add heading and bullet points on the slides

Rome Slide: Slide Show Construction.mp4

3. Think about another visual you can show when you do your oral presentation

Optional. Create a model or an artifact to go with your presentation.