Step 3

THINK: Make Connections

You are now an expert on your topic. Now what? Can you take your knowledge and make connections to previous knowledge?

Use your TAN sheets to show your thinking. Link to Thinking Notes Page - TAN COLOR

You will use this thinking in the conclusion paragraph of your essay.

Connect to Previous Knowledge. - TAN sheet

The Characteristics of a Civilization

How does your topic connect to these big ideas? Do the facts you learned provide evidence that Ancient Rome was a real civilization.

  1. Stable Food and Water Supply: agriculture

  2. Government: Organized leadership for the benefit of all. Laws, crime and punishment, military

  3. Specialized Labor: The exchange of goods and services allows people to train and work in a specific trade/job.

  4. Social Structure: Social distinctions such as ruling class, working class, slavery, rich vs. poor

  5. Highly Developed Culture

        • Religion

        • Writing (and numbers) - Formal and organized written communication for use in religion, government, business, and recording history

        • Art and Leisure: Moving beyond the merely functional, people can dedicate time and resources to the finer things including:

                • Decorative arts

                • Performing arts

                • Leisure activities/entertainment

                • Fashion and beauty

                • Architecture, Public Works, Invention: Large scale building projects that benefit all such as pyramids, temples and palaces. Advances in science and invention.