Step 3 - Writing

Write Your Argumentative Paper

Use your research to write an argumentative paper.

Use a professional writing style with correct spelling and grammar

Look at the example project to get an idea of what you have to do.

What to include:


  • Introduce your topic clearly with ideas and information from your research

  • An overview of the topic

  • Use facts, statistics, details and descriptions from your research

  • Write a CLAIM taking a stand on the essential question and your topic

  • Use academic voice with correct spelling and grammar

Your Arguments (Body paragraphs)

  • Write at least three well developed arguments (reasons) to support your claim. Arguments must be based in fact from your research.

  • Each argument must be supported by details, descriptions, facts or information from your research

  • Use studies, documented cases and personal stories from Step 2 Research to support your arguments

  • Use academic voice with correct spelling and grammar


  • Write a concluding paragraph.

  • Now that you have explained your arguments for or against an issue, what should be done moving forward?

      • Should we:

            • Continue the activity in the same way (explain why, even with the risks)

            • Continue with the activity with modifications/changes to minimize the risks (explain how)

            • Stop the activity and substitute with something else (explain what and how it could be done)

      • Other questions to think about and perhaps include in your conclusion:

            • What actions need to be taken moving forward? What will be the results of those actions? (positive or negative)

            • How will those actions impact or affect humans or the environment?

            • Who needs to be involved?

            • Are there unanswered questions that still need to be addressed by experts

Use a professional writing style with correct spelling and grammar

Works Cited

You are required to complete a formal Works Cited for this project. See the Noodle Tools Tutorials