Oil Rigs and Oil Spills

Huge ocean oil rigs drill for crude oil.

Your job is to learn more about these oil rigs and decide if they are a good idea or not a good idea.

Before you begin watch this video.

The Effects of Oil - 3 mins

Background Research - Blue Sheet

Oil rigs drill for crude oil.

What is crude oil?

What do we use Crude Oil for?

How do we get crude oil from oil rigs?

  • 1 article in the library: "Oil Under the Sea"

  • Video below

ExxonMobil: Life on an Oil Rig - 3 mins

But sometimes oil rigs have accidents called oil spills.

The Deepwater Horizon was one of the worst oil spills in history.

Learn about the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

Pro/Con Sheet - Fill in the Sheet

Fill in the Pro/Con worksheet

Use your background research notes.

Plus here is another resource: Pros and Cons of Oil

What do you think? - Fill in Your Claim Sheet

What do you think?

Drilling for oil in the ocean is more important than worrying about the dangers of an oil spill?

Drilling for oil in the ocean is too dangerous and not worth the damage to animals and people’s health.

Yellow Sheets - Focused Research

Get more details to support your thinking. Look at the resources under the side you picked.

Drilling for oil in the ocean is too dangerous and not worth the damage to animals and people’s health.

Use the notes you already have, plus here is more information:

Discovery Education Videos

Video on a Website: PBS: A year later

Impact on Kids - 4 mins

Drilling for oil in the ocean is more important than worrying about the dangers of an oil spill?

Use the notes you already have, plus here is more information:

Jobs: Economic Benefits of oil from the U.S. Government

Safety - Woodside Drilling - 5 mins

How this company drills for oil safely

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