
Essential Question: What is the relationship between health, happiness and culture?

You now have a focus for your travels. Take some time to dig deeper into this topic and look at it through as many lenses as possible. You will be required to share you experiences and expertise as part of the groups' presentation of your country.

Day 2B, 2C, 3B

Important Documents for Your Travels

Research Skills you Will Need for This Project - 7 mins


Keep track of the websites you use! WORKS CITED document


  • Choose your keywords carefully. Find new keywords along the way. Keep track of them!
  • Think about the quality of the websites you find Website Evaluation ABCs


Remember, if your topic is big, break it into sub-topics and take notes on different notes sheets. Stay organized!

  • What would your sub-topics be? Should you put those topics on different pages?
  • Good quality notes are:
    • Bullets
    • Phrases
    • IN YOUR OWN WORDS!!!!!

Your Journey

Using a search engine, find sources that will help you dig deeper in to your topic. Keep track of each source on your Group Works Cited. Make sure you only choose good websites that score a 4 or 5 on the website evaluation ABCs (above).

When you travel to another country, you explore different experiences in different ways:

  • What do you see?
  • Who did you talk to?
  • How did you get there?
  • Why does this interest you?
  • What questions do you have? What answers did you find?
  • What are the sounds, smells, tastes?
  • What are the facts, challenges, questions?

Don't Get Lost!

Keep in touch with your group. Don't get lost!

Feel free to share a Google Doc and add questions/answers as you move forward. this will be a way to communicate as you move forward.

3A - ReGroup

By now you should have a good understanding of your main topic and various subtopics. How do you think you want to present this information?

Meet with your group. Review the Pop Up Museum idea. Talk about your Pop Up museum. What will it look like?


Once you have a plan for presentation, talk to your Tour Guide (teacher) and get your idea approved.

Then keep researching!