
Essential Question: What is the relationship between health, happiness and culture?

Your job is to create a Pop Up Museum that will give your audience a real sense of your "travel" experience.

How can you communicate your new knowledge, feelings, experiences so your audience feels like they were there too?

A Pop-Up Museum is a spontaneous way to communicate in an exhibit form.

You will NOT BE THERE to tell your audience about your trip or the insights you have gained. You need to SHOW it in a way that you feel best represents the topic AND in a way that is comfortable, interesting and inspiring to YOU.

You need to SHOW

  • a deep knowledge and synthesis of your topic
  • an understanding of how it connects to the essential question
  • personal creativity

Rubric Assessment for the Whole Project

Both the Exhibit/Showcase of Knowledge AND the Reflection Questions you will complete when you are back in Language Arts Class

Here are some ideas for creative exhibits and demonstrations of knowledge.

Day 3C, 4A, 4B - Begin Creating Your Exhibits

You will have time in school to create your exhibits. You may also work on them at home.

Day 4C/5A


Check in with your Tour Guide. How are you doing?

Day 5A, 5B, 5C - Continue Creating Your Exhibits

You will have time in school to create your exhibits. You may also work on them at home.

Session 5C will be setting up your exhibits in the library.

Day 6 - Visit the Museum!

Today you will visit the Africa Museum and see the various exhibits in the 10 different