You can do the Cube!

The Cubes have arrived!! Stay tuned!

You can Do the Cube!

This is a special interest project some of the 8th graders chose to do creating a giant Mosaic using hundreds of Rubik's cubes. The students started out by learning the algorithms of solving a Rubik's cube. Once they had the basics down, they began work on their mosaic of our own Jeff man!

The Rubik's Cubes were borrowed through an online lending program called "You Can Do the Cube!" found here. This is a 9 week program in which the Rubik Cubes are loaned to the school district for STEM.

Come back to our page throughout this next quarter to see updates of our Jeff Man Mosaic and Learning to "Do the Cube"!

Rubik's Cube Lessons
Create a Daisy

Day 1!

Progress so far!

This is about 6 weeks in! The kids have about 6 more rows to solve and finish! They are also making a stop motion video to have when we send all the Rubik's Cubes back!