Stop Motion Photography

Stop Motion: Legos

James Martin shows his tablet setup for stop motion using lego figurines. This is one option for the 2nd student videos.

Stop Motion: Claymation

Daniel Creekbaum shows another type of stop motion photography called claymation, another option for 2nd videos.

Video One: Money

For the first videos, students make a 1 minute video using a common supply, money. Here Henry Judd models his tablet and stand setup as he creates images using the money. Each time he moves a coin, the timer on his tablet takes a photo to create an illusion of movement on the screen.

Video Two: Student Choice

For the second videos, students make a 1:30 minute video using any supply of their choosing. We discuss different types of Stop Motion videos and students then choose what they would like to pursue. In this photo, Walker Nickel has chosen to build a progressive scene using Lincoln Logs.

Video Three: Partners

For the third videos, students make a 2 minute video and work with partners to actually put themselves into the videos. Each partner is required to be in at least 10 seconds of video. (This is 100 photos at 10 Frames Per Second!) In this photo Micah Friesen and Dominic Joe work using magnets on the board to create the illusion on movement between them.

STEM Stop Motion
Stop Motion Video 3 Challenge List

Helpful Links for Stop Motion

How to make things fly in stop motion:

How to make stop motion videos:

Create a reverse video:

12 principles of animation:

Timing and Spacing:

8 stop motion tricks in 2 minutes: