Round Table

🗓️ 25th May, 2024  🕙 10:00 AM

Jesuit School networking

An educational method that puts at the center the exchanges of experience, projects, among the Schools in the countries, involving students, Professors, families, Directors of any Schools from South to the North of the Country and Jesuit Province.

10:00 AM


10:20 AM

Coffee Break

10:40 AM

Jesuit School Networking



His speach in English - Il suo discorso in italiano

Her speach in English - Il suo discorso in italiano - SLIDES



Fr. Claudio
Barretta SJ

P. Claudio Barretta was born in Rome in 1961. After graduating from Classical High School, he entered the Society of Jesus in October 1980. He completed philosophical and theological studies at the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Naples and was ordained a priest on 27 June 1992.

In 1991 he obtained a Baccalaureate in Theology at the PFTIM in Naples and in 1994 a Licentiate in Biblical Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.

He has carried out apostolic training activities as an educator in a therapeutic community for drug addicts in the Emmanuel Community in Lecce.

From 1994 to 1997 he served as Vice Rector of the St. Louis Theologate in Naples. In 1997-98 he did his last year of Jesuit formation in Mexico and in 2000 he took his Last Vows in the Society of Jesus.

From 2000 to 2008 he served as Rector of the Naples Theologate and Delegate for Jesuit Formation of the Italian Province.

In 2008 Father General appointed him Vice-Provincial for Central-Southern Italy and in 2014 Vice-Provincial for Italy.

Since June 2014, he has been President of the Ignatian Educational Centre Association, which runs the Palermo Paritarian School of the same name.

Since 2017 he has been Superior of the Residenza del Gesù Nuovo in Naples

Since 2022 he has been assistant to the Administrative-Economic Office of the EUM Province.

He has been President of the FGE since October 2022.

Dr. Josephine Vassallo

Josephine Vassallo holds a degree in Theology from the University of Malta and has been a Social Studies teacher in state secondary schools for about 30 years.  Until 2008, she worked as the Education Officer in charge of Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights. From 2008 to 2013 she was Assistant Director in the Curriculum Department of the Ministry of Education and a member of the Board of Directors of the Maltese Diocesan Seminary.

National Coordinator for the Council of Europe's Citizenship Education and Human Rights Project, from 2000 to 2011 she was a Lecturer in the Faculty of Education at the University of Malta.

Trained in Ignatian Spirituality, she is a member of CLC and leader of the Spiritual Exercises. In the 1990s, she taught at the Pijeter MeshKalla High School in Shkodra.

She currently coordinates courses on the Social Doctrine of the Church for various employees working with the disabled, elderly, children and drug addicts with the Diocesan Institute for Pastoral Training in Malta.