GREAT Cognitive Rehabilitation

Who is it for?

Who is GREAT Cognitive Rehabilitation suitable for?

GREAT CR can be adapted to the needs of people with different types and levels of cognitive impairment. It has been rigorously tested in the GREAT trial with people who were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, vascular or mixed dementia and had mild to moderate cognitive impairment (a Mini Mental State Examination score or 18 or above). It has also been separately used in a small trial with people who have Parkinson’s disease dementia or Lewy body dementia and mild to moderate cognitive impairment.

The experience of the GREAT trial therapists was that GREAT CR worked particularly well with people who:

  • Had been diagnosed relatively recently or within a few years

  • Were fairly independent and able to engage in at least some daily activities or chores, despite experiencing increasing forgetfulness and having difficulty with daily tasks

  • At a minimum were able to hold a conversation about everyday activities with the CR Practitioner and have some recollection of the CR Practitioner’s visits.

  • Recognised their cognitive impairment and wanted to reduce its impact on everyday life

  • Expressed readiness to work on their therapy goals

  • Had engaged and supportive family members who ensured practice between sessions

  • Did not have complex physical health problems

  • Were reasonably active