Interested in learning more? We want to hear from you!

Email Ms. Kelley

Anxious Achievers

Collaboration between counseling & CAPS to offer a space to process with your peers all that comes with the post-secondary process [11th only].

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Girl's Group

Group for female identifying students interested in exploring their power, accepting their flaws, and developing the skills necessary to meet their goals with a community of their peers.

Join today. Group closes 11/18. Email Ms. Kimball-Katzif interested in joining.

Grief & Loss

Feeling & dealing. Opportunity to explore the complexity of loss and learn to feel and deal with the huge range of emotions (or numbness) that usually accompanies grief.

  • Group will relaunch in March 2021

Email Ms. Kelley if you're interested in joining.


For people of all gender identities for exploration and/or support of different expressions of sexual orientation and gender.

Join today. Group closes 11/18. Email Mr. Salazar if interested in joining.

We Lit

Do you like to rap, perform, and write? We Lit is a group for those who like to express themselves through words without all the rules. We’ll look at the connection between hip-hop music, poetry and social activism.