How we can help.

Support you in developing the skills and resiliency to overcome social-emotional challenges that impact your ability to be the type of student you want to be.

Connect you & your family to community-based resources.

Our goal is to empower students to discover and learn tools and strategies to strengthen social, emotional, and behavioral functioning to improve academic outcomes


room 220




Ms. Moran




Counseling Intern



Counseling Intern


To learn more about our in-school supports, please click on the button below.


-get enough sleep -call a friend

-eat healthy -read a book

-deep breathe -take care of YOU

Consider, considering this...

Are you getting enough sleep?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than two-thirds of US teens are not getting enough sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for teenagers is 8 to 10 hours each night.

During these stressful times, getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your body and mind. Here are some tips for building healthy sleep habits:

  • Go to sleep at the same time each night

  • Try to put away your computer or phone 30 minutes before you go to sleep (this is easier said than done)!

  • Do something to relax before going to bed. Take a hot shower, listen to your favorite music

  • Make your bed a comfortable, relaxing place to sleep

Excel Spotlight

A couple times a month we are aiming to "spotlight" a member of our community - a student, caregiver, or staff member. Contributors will share their "why", a skill they use to cope during challenging times, or even a light story that helps spark a little joy. If you're interested in contributing, please reach out to Ms. Ribeiro

Mr. Lewis, They call them “Man’s Best Friend” for a reason.

Growing up, in my household, we had many pets- hamsters, fish, cats. Cats ultimately became the preferred pet in my family’s household and we eventually adopted three throughout my early teens. I never thought about having a dog because I was always content and happy with my cats and didn’t see a “need” for adopting a dog.

But… then the pandemic came in March and we all went home to continue our lives in a completely new world. And then we all were a couple of months into it (May) and I said to my then girlfriend now finance, “we should get a dog” Eventually we agreed and felt that it was time to open our home and hearts to a rescue, who we named “Cashew.”

I never knew how much having a dog could change one’s life, but I guess they call him “Man’s best friend for a reason” and I quickly realized what that saying was going to mean for me. Cashew and I were united for a specific reason and that’s because we were both looking for something...he: a best friend, who would forever love him and me: a level of happiness that only saving an animal can bring. My mornings have improved, (I never was a morning person, but now I wake up with a smile on my face knowing Cashew is excited to go on his morning walk). Cashew has become my co-teacher as we try to navigate the world of remote teaching, my exercise partner, and my sidekick on road trips. I think what has made me the happiest over these past eight months is knowing that I did something beautiful during the middle of a pandemic- adopting a boy who was left on the side of the road in Arkansas and giving him a home in the big city of Boston with a new loving family.

So tell me, who or what has allowed you to find peace during this time when the world has slowed down? Have you thought about finding a new hobby, finding quiet space away from it all, learning a new sport, or even, have you thought about taking the time to make yourself a better student? Because, the world will start spinning again and we will come out on the other side of this, but use this time wisely- because there is still so much you can accomplish or do to bring you happiness for your future.