
School appropriate face coverings will be required when transitioning during arrival and dismissal.

Due to the need to limit visitors into our building, at this time, parents will not be able to walk students to their classrooms. We will be prepared and happy to support you with this separation.


  • Students, not attending extended care, may enter the building at 7:45 a.m. Due to the close proximity of others when transitioning, when exiting a vehicle, students will be expected to have on their face covering. Students will report directly to their homeroom, unless they are purchasing breakfast. Students will be in their seats and ready to learn at 8:15 a.m. Specific details regarding drop off points to enter the building will be in early August.


  • All parents will need to remain in their vehicles during parent pick up. We will not be able to provide an area for parents to walk up to the building to pick up their children due to risk of COVID- 19 exposure.

  • Tigers will continue with the safe protocols that we previously had in place, with the addition of wearing face coverings.

  • Students will be dismissed using social distancing as much as possible and will be asked to wear their masks during dismissal. Bus riders will be required to keep their masks on while riding the bus home.