What does teaching and learning look like in Evergreen?

At Evergreen Public Schools we believe that learning is a dynamic and creative process, where learners are supported to make meaning for themselves through engaging experiences that involve exploration and reflection. 

Designing engaging, compelling student learning experiences requires resources aligned to district, state, and national frameworks and standards. 

With greater access to technology also comes the need for educators and parents to work together to help students understand how the digital world works.

Sheltered Instruction is an approach which authentically integrates language and content learning. 

Teachers must know their students as learners, and students must know themselves as learners. 

Designed as a comprehensive K-12 system to support the needs and interests of students identified as highly capable, or talented and gifted. 

We believe that all teachers should have access to engaging and relevant professional development.

Teaching & Learning Staff Directory 

“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

-William Butler Yeats

We are committed to facilitating high levels of teaching and learning that exceed standards and center on the unique needs of the students and adults in our community.

Our educational plan is based on high expectations and consistent standards of excellence. It is designed to build a foundation in academic subjects and digital literacies through the implementation of rigorous, accessible, and engaging experiences.