Sheltered Instruction

Please visit our new resource webpage: Teaching Multilingual Learners 

What is Sheltered Instruction?

Sheltered Instruction is an approach which authentically integrates language and content learning. The dual goals of Sheltered Instruction are to provide access to mainstream, grade-level content, and to promote the development of academic English language proficiency for all learners. 

Connect with us!

Sheltered Instruction Team 

Sheltered Instruction Resources:

Sheltered Instruction PD

Here’s what teachers have to say about Sheltered Instruction Professional Development:

“My personal belief is that this is was is best for all learners. Thank you & I will continue to put in a plug for this PD.” 

“This PD was great not only because of the instruction and valuable information, but also because there was something I could take away after each class and try right away in my own room. It has helped me to be more mindful of the meeting the learning needs of all my students. The best PD I’ve had in Evergreen.” 

“I think that every teacher in our district HAS to take this course! This was so helpful!” 

“As an educator that holds a Graduate Degree in Teaching English Learners, this training was just as good if not better than my courses. The presenter was engaging and able to capture the essence of SIOP in her delivery. Every educator should be so lucky to attend and be part of this vital training.” 

“The presenters were excellent. I loved sharing my craft with them both and learning from them. Excellent teachers!” 

“This was a great training. I’ve been using many of the teaching techniques and my students have responded very positively. Thank you!” 

SIOP Library Books on Loan 

Got books? We do!  ...and we love to loan them out.

Click on the image to the right to explore our SIOP Library, resources are applicable grades K-12.

Don't forget to get credit for Book Study in Job Embedded PD!

Job Embedded Professional Development 

Job Embedded Professional Development is available and here's why it rocks:

Go to your Google Classroom and join a class using the following codes: 

Virtual/Online PD: e854e9  |  PD for Elementary: 5k60do  |  PD for Secondary: bzk8b2