Knowing our Learners
Teachers must know their students as learners, and students must know themselves as learners.
In Evergreen, assessment is a tool used not just as a measure of learning, but for learning. We utilize a range of tools for specific purposes to build a more accurate and comprehensive view of a learner and their needs, both in academic and social-emotional learning.
There is no one assessment or tool that will meet the needs of all teachers and students.
Assessment should encourage a growth mindset in our students.
Reading and Math
We believe that all students in our system, grades kindergarten through twelve, benefit from completing the i-Ready math and reading assessment. The i-Ready diagnostic is an adaptive assessment designed to provide teachers with actionable insight into student needs.
We use this data fall, winter and spring to measure the effectiveness of our instruction by examining student growth at the class, school, and district level.
Student and Stakeholder Feedback for School Improvement
We believe that student and stakeholder voice matters!
And we know that student perceptions are linked to academic outcomes. Survey tools capture student, teacher, and family perceptions including topics like student/family engagement, pedagogical effectiveness, school climate, safety, school leadership, and professional learning. The data from this survey will be used to improve and enhance learning for all students.