Lacrosse Club
Welcome to the Shahala Lacrosse Club Page!
Advisor: Nick Ortiz,
ASB Secretary: Katie Cowles,
🚍Activities Bus: If your student will ride the activities bus home from the club, please sign up at the ASB Office ASAP or call (360) 604 - 3815.
The activities bus runs Mondays-Thursdays, except for early release days (school calendar). Activity buses depart from Shahala around 5:30 PM. Your child can get a ride home on an activity bus (but NOT on Fridays or early release). Please try to pick up your student by 5:30 PM each day. Advisors have families they would like to get home to also!
🍎 Afterschool Snacks 🍎
Afterschool snacks are Monday-Thursday (no early release or Fridays).
There will be FREE snacks available for pickup in the Cafeteria for students who are participating in afterschool clubs or sports (on the day of their activity). Grab a snack to go before heading to the locker room! Have your Student ID card or lunch number ready!
We will be making announcements on the PA system on snack days as a reminder. If the Cafeteria doors are locked, tell the front office.
2024-25 Club Schedule
The Lacrosse Club will meet every week on Tuesdays, except early release days.
Time: 4:15 - 5:30 PM
Location: Meet in the Commons (Cafeteria). The club will practice outside in the covered area to the left of the school building. Parents are responsible for pick-up, unless students have signed up for the activities bus.
From November 19 on...
The plan is to pick up all of the Lacrosse players at Shahala and then walk to Illahee gym together. The Shahala campus and the Illahee campus connect to each other, so we will not walk off Evergreen Property. I have arranged for the doors to be open at 4:30. We will have 20 mins to collect everyone and get to Illahee. When we get there, we will do wall ball, set up and play mini games. We will then clean up and have the kids ready to be picked up at 5:30 in the Illahee bus turnaround. Those that need to take the afterschool bus will be escorted back to Shahala property and ensured they make it on to the bus.
Club dates:
October 15
October 22
October 29
November 5
November 19 -- Illahee Gym
We will be using Illahee's gym today! We will meet in Mrs. Lufkin's room and then walk as a group to the Illahee gym. We have the gym from 4:30 - 5:30. Please pick up your students in the Illahee parking lot near the gym area.
November 26 -- Illahee Gym
December 3 -- Illahee Basketball covered area outside next to gym
December 10 -- Illahee Basketball covered area outside next to gym
December 17 -- Illahee Gym
January 7 -- Illahee Gym
January 14 -- Illahee Gym
January 21 -- Illahee Gym
January 28 -- Illahee Gym
February 4 -- Illahee Gym
February 11 -- Illahee Gym
*No meets on early release days.