HCA Middle School 

Help Center

 Everything you need to know to have a successful experience at Home Choice Academy.

 Get help on the following topics

Apex Curriculum
Google Classroom
Monthly Progress
Tech Issues
Scheduling your day

For more infromation on the above topics, click the ⋁ to the right of the topics below to expand the topic and learn more. 

Apex Learning

Apex Learning is your digital curriculum.  This is where all of your courses, textbooks, and resources for learning reside.  

Google Classroom (& other digital tools)

Google Classroom is a hub of information, activities, assignments and grades.  

Monthly Progress

As part of an ALE you will be working toward achieving monthly progress as discussed in the WSLP.  


EPS uses Skyward as a communication portal for your child's education.   Visit Skyward if you have questions about student information, account balances, schedules and grades.  

Tech Issues

Technology is used as a tool in education to support and sustain curriculum and communication.  It is important to seek help quickly when you experience any technology problems so your student can successfully participate in school each day.  The following are some FAQ's to help you keep your tech running smoothly. 

Additional Digital Tools

Along with Apex and Google Classroom, the following tools are used to meet the needs of all of our students.