Monthly Progress

Table of Contents


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What is HCA Progress? 

Progress is a measure of work completed throughout a time period.  At HCA we monitor progress monthly so that learning coaches, parents, students and teachers are constantly updated on how the studdent is progressing through the curriculum.   The amount of work to be completed on a monthly basis is established during the initial Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP) meeting.  The pace of the WSLP is designed to move a student through the curriculum at a pace that is consistent, predictable and complete.  A student that is making progress on a monthly basis is moving through the curriculum at a pace that allows them to learn, pushes to increase their knowledge and creativity, builds stamina to stick to a task through to completion and ensures that the student will complete all of the learning targets at their grade level so that the student can feel confident in moving on to the next grade level of learning. 

Satisfactory vs. Unsatisfactory

Satisfactory means that the work assigned for the month has been completed and turned in.  It also means that the student has performed well on assessments and assignments.  

Unsatisfactory means that the student did not complete assignments as assigned.  Or, were unable to complete assignments that would earn a passing grade.  

Intervention Plan

An intervention plan is better explained as planning for success. 

During the initial Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP) conference parents, students and teachers discuss and agree to a plan that will move the student through the grade level curriculum at a pace that is designed to foster learning and growth.  As parents, learning coaches and educators we want what is best for your student. Striving to meet the needs of your student takes constant monitoring and adjusting from all of us to make sure that the WSLP is working.  There are times when adjustments need to be made in order for the student to be successful and the intervention plan helps identify, adjust and monitor students that have experienced a deviation from the WSLP. 

Intervention plans usually occur after Unsatisfactory progress has been earned.  This means that the student was not able to complete all of the assignments necessary to move through the curriculum at a consistent pace or has shown that, although progress through the curriculum has been made, grades are low and indicate a need for an adjustment to foster learning and build habits that will sustain learning.  

An Intervention plan is always made collaboratively with the teacher, student and parent.  We all work together to learn, build good habits and consistently monitor and adjust.  Learning is important and collaborating is the best way to support a students learning journey.  

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