A-EYE: Technology Features and Applications 

The A-EYE technology is developed to address the productivity, sustainability, and communication challenges facing construction firms in the current complex business environment. A-EYE aims to create a construction visualisation platform that enables measurable productivity advantages through passive data capture and real-time delivery of mission-critical information in an accessible form. The disruptive solution provides easy access to visualised data and documented proof of events facilitating more efficient team-wide collaboration on construction sites. 

A-EYE’s control tower, supported by high-resolution cameras and tracking sensors, is uniquely positioned to provide full visibility of the project and enables the most transparent, visual communication between stakeholders. The smart construction environment will be supported in the cloud with desktop and hand-held devices. Most existing data organising, project scheduling, and reality capture technologies operate individually and mandate human intervention to connect these systems through manual data input. However, A-EYE’s point of differentiation lies in the automated integration of reality capture and scheduling processes on construction sites. 

This disruptive technology is established by integrating a couple of innovative solutions developed by two worldwide construction technology firms. The visualisation system was designed by Evercam to overlook entire construction sites and passively extract data, images, and videos through cameras and sensors. Captured data automatically feeds into the PlanLoader, an advanced planning software developed by GagaMuller, to achieve valuable productivity and sustainability advantages through passive real-time tracking of project resources and monitoring of project progress.

Real-time Scheduling and Resources Control 

Adopting A-EYE technology on construction sites can help monitor the numerous concurrent activities and track labour and plan. Captured data automatically feeds into PlanLoader, planning software, to achieve valuable productivity and sustainability advantages through passive real-time tracking of project resources and monitoring of project progress. 

Claims Resolution

One of A-EYE’s key advantages is matching the billing process with actual progress on site. The technology’s ability to detect materials’ delivery time, quantities, and equipment up-time can transparently resolve disputes with suppliers and cut unnecessary costs. 

Real-time BIM Integration

The update of construction designs requires manual intervention as conditions change on the ground. However, integrating real-time data with a project’s BIM model allows an automated model update to reduce buildings’ initial and lifecycle costs.

Safety monitoring 

Analysing video footage using A-EYE technology can provide real-time alerts in the event of safety violations. Signals can be delivered in case equipment operating procedures are violated, and personal protective equipment is not used on site. Advanced visualisation on-site assists with preventing safety hazards due to labour faults or exposure to heavy machinery. 

GDPR Compliance

The A-EYE team is committed to meeting and upholding the requirements set out within the EU GDPR. All of our work is carried out with protecting individuals' rights to privacy of individuals as a priority. 

We seek at all times to process all data in a compliant and transparent manner using consent and a risk-based approach. 

The principles which govern our approach to the EU GDPR include, but are not limited to the following: 

● Processing all data in a compliant and transparent manner. 

● Installing and operating all cameras with the rights of individuals in mind. 

● Ensuring that all data held is accurate. 

● Ensuring that all processing is lawful, fair and necessary for a specific purpose. 

● Ensuring that all data is stored safely and securely. 

● Ensuring that no data is retained for any longer than is necessary under the circumstances. 

It is company policy to conduct a Data Privacy Impact Assessment before the installation of A-EYE cameras where the use of this camera could pose an increased risk to the rights of individuals. In such circumstances, all necessary steps are taken to ensure that our cameras can be used without impacting any person's rights under GDPR. Signage is erected at the entrance to all sites informing anyone entering the site that a camera is in use. 

The signage is always clearly visible and easy to understand. Contact details for A-EYE are included on all signage. These contact details can be used by anyone with concerns about the use of the camera or by persons wishing to submit a Data Subject Access Request as permitted under Article 15 of the EU GDPR.