
News about recent or related events

We hope that all our friends are able to keep their spirits up in these trying times. Please keep safe and keep well. Contact us if we can help in any way, we can access pastoral advice from a number of Faiths.

SSIF contributed artwork to and attended the national Holocaust Meorial Day event in London. Our artwork was an Inter Faith collaboration worked on by members of many faiths and including children from Craven Arms Islamic Centre and resettled Syrian children. The theme was of the cherry tree orrchard that SSIF together with Shropshire Council are planting across the County. Lydbury North and Onny schools added this year.

SSIF are supporting and endorsing the campaign to end modern slavery.


Sunday 31st March a short (30 minutes) Vigil took take place on the small public square in CRAVEN ARMS known as the Sheeptracks square ( Steel sculpture of Sheep ... besides the main roundabout of the A49 & B4368 Clun Road junction )

Our town councillors and all local faith groups & denominations participated .... Ordinary citizens who would not normally attend a place of worship came and stood alongside us to demonstrate that love, tolerance and acceptance of difference and diversity are welcome here in South Shropshire.

This was Mothering Sunday, an important day for families and we are mindful of all those mothers who lost their lives or their loved ones.

And our muslim brothers & sisters provided light refreshments immediately afterwards at the nearby Mosque, approx 1pm

LATEST, Early May 2019

Currently Visits by SSIF Representatives are being undertaken to Local Christian Churches to stand in solidarity following the Easter Day Bombings in SRI LANKA

Amongst those who spoke was the Bishop of Hereford, Richard Frith, you can view him speaking on Youtube via the link below ......

And Rumaysa, the local Imam's daughter

OTHER UPCOMING EVENTS (Not directly run by SSIF)

Pamela Thompson will give an illustrated talk about her adventures at 7.30 p.m. on Monday 13th May in Ludlow Methodist Church. Indian sweets and a hot drink will be served. There will be no entry charge, but donations for the work of ‘Salt of the Earth’ (registered charity 328328) will be welcomed.

‘Salt of the Earth’ is a small UK charity which has been working in southern India for more than 30 years. Its aim is to alleviate rural poverty by empowering villagers to improve their lives. In January Pamela visited villages, rural development centres and schools in three locations which are supported by ‘Salt of the Earth’. She met some amazing people there. Then she travelled on a pilgrimage for four weeks in India and Bhutan, meeting even more amazing people.