
Thursday 18th April 2024   6-30pm

Interfaith Walk & Talk Event

Starting from the Myndtown, Clun Road, Craven Arms SY7 9QS

(parking is available in Greenfield Road)

A Walk in Sallow Coppice

Refreshments will be available at the end of the walk

Next Events

Thursday 18th April 2024 - 6-30pm

Interfaith Walk & Talk Event

Starting from the Myndtown, Clun Road, Craven Arms SY7 9QS

(parking is available in Greenfield Road)

Saturday 20th April 2024 - 10.00am to 5pm

An International Festival of Poetry and Music

Madley Church, Brampton Rd, Madley HR2 9LS. 

Venues and times below.

Thursday 18th April 2024 - 6-30pm

Interfaith Walk & Talk Event

Starting from the Myndtown, Clun Road, Craven Arms SY7 9QS

(parking is available in Greenfield Road)

Saturday 20th April 2024

An International Festival of Poetry and Music

Madley Church, Brampton Rd, Madley HR2 9LS. 10.00am to 5pm

Visit My Mosque Day was on March 3rd 2019 ... Craven Arms Mosque welcomed 250 visitors !!!


Ladies & children only meetings are planned throughout the year, the next is on on Saturday 21st March venue to be announced , to look at and consider Ancient Islamic Script  & Calligraphy.


Round Table meetings are 12 noon for a 12:15pm start, when a topical subject will be introduced for 10 minutes or so followed by a lively discussion finishing at 1:15pm. You are welcome to bring a “picnic lunch”.  The Pilgrim Centre, Dale St, Craven Arms SY7 9NY 

Suggestions for Round Table topics are welcomed and invited. Likewise suggestions for speakers/topics for evening meetings and pilgrimage destinations.

Evening meetings will normally open at 7pm with refreshments to commence at 7:30pm sharp.

Rabbi, writer and broadcaster, Jonathan Romain is minister of Maidenhead Synagogue. He is Chaplain to the Jewish Police Association, President of the Accord Coalition (campaigning for inclusive education) and Vice-Chair of Dignity in Dying. His latest books are 'Confessions of a Rabbi’ (Biteback) and ‘The Naked Rabbi’ (John Hunt Publishing)