PFT Administration for 2023

News for 2023

The 2022-23 Physical Fitness Test (PFT) has not been suspended. 
Local educational agencies (LEAs) will be required to administer the PFT between February 1, 2022 and May 31, 2023. . EUSD will administer the PFTs within this testing window. However, only participaction rate data will be submitted to the state.

Parents, please reference this Fact Sheet from CDE to learn more about these assessments. 

The physical fitness test (PFT) for students in California schools is the FITNESSGRAM®. The main goal of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity. Parents and guardians, please review this Fact Sheet from CDE to learn more about the Fitnessgram.

Teachers, this guidance document describes what has changed this year for PFT administration. 

What is the PFT?

What is the PFT?

The California State Board of Education designated the FITNESSGRAM as the PFT for students in California public schools. The FITNESSGRAM is a comprehensive, health-related battery of physical fitness tests developed by The Cooper Institute. The primary goal of the FITNESSGRAM is to assist students in establishing lifelong habits of regular physical activity.
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