Welcome to our EUSD Parent Handbook for Academic Year 2020-21. This handbook takes the form of a website so it can easily be updated as needs change and new helpful resources are found and shared.

Please check often! Navigation Tabs are on top.

Logo for Google Classroom

Google Classroom

All teachers at EUSD will be using Google Classroom as their main learning management platform. Google Classroom will push out announcements to guardians and students, hence parents should be able to monitor student learning and academic progress. Parents can also check their child's Google Classroom to determine content being learned and assigned tasks.


Teachers will use Zoom daily to check in with students and deliver direct instruction for all content areas: ELA (English Language Arts), Math, Science, and History/Social Science. It is important for parents to ensure that students are ready to learn via Zoom. Please ensure your child has a quiet place for interactive/live lessons via Zoom along with a pen/pencil and paper to participate.

Please check out the tutorial videos on how to navigate Google Classroom and Zoom.

Please join our Parent Workshops on Using Google Classroom and Zoom on August 6.

See the "Navigating Google Classroom" Tab above for times and joining info.