You can tell if a book is available with the green book tag labeled "IN." If a book is not available, it will be flagged with the red label "OUT."
You can also place the book on hold if it is currently checked out to another student.
If you click on a book, you can see more details like the call number, author, and description. If you open the page fully, you can see titles similar to that book, as well.
Adding the Humboldt County Library on Sora
In addition to our EHS collection, we can access the eBooks available through the "NorthNet" Library system, which is available through the Humboldt County Library. This opens up WAY more reading opportunities, as well as audiobooks!
To add a library, you will need to click on the down arrow next to Eureka City Schools. This will open the menu with the green + Add Library button.
Search for the NorthNet Library System and click the green "This is My Library" button to add it to your search features.
Now that you have access to both, you can toggle back and forth between the two. Any search will pull up results from both libraries.
Searching for a title in Sora
When you search for a book in Sora, it will pull up titles in all available libraries (ECS and NorthNet).
As you can see on the left, The Fault in Our Stars is available as an eBook in our library. It is also available at NorthNet - but because it is currently checked out, you would have to place a hold on the item and wait for your turn. This applies to the book and the audiobook.
Audiobook titles have the headphones below the book image.
Understanding Call Numbers
What is a call number?
A call number is like an address for a book: it helps you know where to look in the library! Our books are arranged by call number and author's last name, which can be found on the binding of each book.
How do I look for fiction books?
Our fiction books are cataloged under the call "number" FIC - which is short for fiction. All of our fiction collection is arranged with FIC and the first three letters of the author's last name. For instance, fiction books by Gary Paulsen would be cataloged under FIC PAU.
Our fiction collection is not sorted by genre, but we do have genre stickers on many books - and you can search by genre in Destiny Discover!
Native American Fiction (NA FIC) by Sherman Alexie (ALE) = NA FIC ALE
Graphic Novel (741.5) by Pénélope Bagieu (BAG) = 741.5 BAG
World History (WH), Social Science - Social Change (303.4), by Jared Diamond (DIA) = WH 303.4 DIA
Fiction (FIC) by Stephen King (KIN), 2nd in the series (#2) = FIC KIN #2
Short stories collection (SC) by Jack London (LON) = SC LON
Not sure what to read?
Your librarians love browsing for book reviews, book lists, and more!
Goodreads provides excellent descriptions of titles, as well as a plethora of reviews. You can create an account where you can store lists, track your reading, set reading goals, and discover more based on your interests.
We do not have every title available in our library, of course, but this is a good starting point when you're on the hunt for a new book or series! If you find a good book on Goodreads, you can always recommend it to the library by completing the Library Wish List Google Form on our Home page. Happy reading!