

Homework packets will be given in your child's Daily Folder every Monday.

Activities labeled "Challenge" on the homework cover sheet may be completed in addition to, but not instead of, one of the regular activities. Please initial the homework cover letter if your child completes one of these extra activities.

Please be sure to have your child write his/her name correctly on each homework page.

On Friday, please return the initialed and signed homework cover letter, along with any written assignments your child completed for homework during the week. The cover letter and homework pages should be returned inside the front pocket of your child's Daily Folder.

Students will also have sight words and math flashcards that should be practiced to mastery.

Homework will include a journal writing, a book report/reading log, math pages (Go Math Practice workbook), math flashcards and sights word to practice. Once students have mastered their sight words they will have a 1 minute fluency practice page. The cover page will let you know the days in which each assignment is to be completed. This should amount to approximately 20 minutes of homework each night. If it is taking longer please let me know so that we may make adjustments. Your child is to turn in the stapled packet of assignments on Friday. In addition, students should be reading 15 - 20 minutes per night.