Green House


During the Fall 2021 semester, a group of ESW members proposed an idea to repair and improve one of the greenhouses located on the URI campus. There, ESW hopes to create a space to store and run the previously-constructed hydroponics system in hopes that it will serve as a gathering space and learning center for ESW members and all students interested in sustainable technology and farming methods. All greenhouse operations are coordinated by our Greenhouse Manager.


Along the outer edge of the URI campus lies a grouping of greenhouses. Most of these buildings are in the use and care of certain departments and clubs, though some of them remain empty. So, earlier this year when some members had the idea to construct their own greenhouse, it was decided the first course of action should be to repair the pre-existing greenhouses in a sustainable manner. Now, ESW has acquired our own greenhouse that we are currently cleaning while we make plans for repairs and planting. As of now, it is also home to a group of banana plants being used for external research. Additionally, this is the current location of our Hydroponics System.