2023 Sustainability Summit

Mini Hackathon Guide

Problem Statement

Design and present a system or technology that reduces plastic pollution at the root or through remediation efforts. 

Final Deliverables

~7 slide powerpoint presentation that should include some variation of the following:

Include an overview slide: Start your presentation with an overview slide that summarizes what you will be presenting. This will help your audience understand what to expect and stay engaged throughout.

Explain the problem you're solving: Start by explaining the problem you're trying to solve. Be clear and concise about the problem, and use data or other evidence to back up your claims.

Describe your solution: Once you've explained the problem, describe your solution. Explain how your solution addresses the problem and how it works.

Explain the technical details: If your solution involves technical details, make sure to explain them clearly. Use visuals, diagrams, or other tools to help explain complex technical concepts.

Highlight the impact: Discuss the impact your solution will have on the problem you're trying to solve. Use data or other evidence to support your claims and explain why your solution is important.

Discuss the next steps: Finally, discuss the next steps for your solution. Explain how you plan to implement your solution and what steps you'll take to ensure its success.

End with a call to action: End your presentation with a call to action. Encourage your audience to take action, whether it's to use your solution, provide feedback, or support your project in some other way.

