When Coffee Isn't Enough

Healthy Social Media Usage

By Kelsey Koranda

Social Media has become a powerful tool that has made its way as a leading source of communication and connection in our society. Sites such as Facebook and Instagram allow for many positive uses such as announcing life transitions, career networking, and overall communication. However, people are beginning to ask the question, how much is too much social media exposure? On average, people spend 2.5 hours a day on social media sites, potentially taking away from family time, productivity at work, and self-care. Following are a few ways to implement healthy social media usage to allow for healthier lifestyles:

1) Take the apps off your phone.

It’s easy to get caught up in“scrolling” when the app for the social media site is in the palm of your hand. By taking it off your phone, you are still allowing yourself to have access to the sites while also allowing yourself to disconnect at your own discretion.

2) Mindfulness.

Monitor how much time you are spending on these sites. It’s easy to lose track of time when on social media because it becomes a mindless habit. If need be, set a timer or track your usage on your phone or computer.

3) Stop the "scrolling."

“Scrolling” can be an over exposure to other people’s highlight reel, potentially making you feel less confident and fulfilled in your own life. Monitor your social media usage by asking yourself, what am I using it for?

Although social media can be a positive tool, it can quickly turn into a negative habit.

Stay in control of your usage and be mindful of what you are allowing yourself to be exposed to.