Media & Digital Chair
Welcome to the website of the Chair Media & Digital at ESSEC Business School
The team changes in 2024/25 in preparation for the transition to a new chair
The Chairholder/Academic Director is now Prof. Guillaume Chevillon
The Executive Director is Jean-Noël Tronc
Study trip in Barcelona 2024
Participants in the 2024 class of ESSEC's Media & Digital Chair attended a 5-day study trip to Barcelona.
A week rich in meetings and visits :
- Norskeen & meeting with Ferran Vila,
- Pepsico Digital Hub & meeting with Gaston Besanson and his team.
- Papernest & meeting with Elisa Kosinski and Jean-Baptiste Ferrato,
- Socialpoint Zynga & meeting with Chloe Touitou
- IESE Business School & Executive Education Session with Prof. Thomas Klueter
- ESADE Business School & Executive Education Session with Prof. Jonathan Wareham
- Presentation of 2btube with Fabienne Fourquet
- Presentation of Nauta Capital with Anna Daviau
A big thanks to all the companies, IESE and ESADE who welcomed us and to the partner of the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC: Orange!
Warner Bros TV Seminar
Bruno Henriquet, President of Warner Bros International Television Production recently gave a keynote talk at the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC where we had the opportunity to learn more about his current work at Warner, his career path, current trends in the industry, as well as about some of his great ideas! Bruno Henriquet also ran a "Learning Creativity" Masterclass where he gave us an glimpse of the methods he uses, a truly insightful session!
Serge Hayat's
Keynote Talk
Mr. Serge Hayat, co-founder and president of SOFICA Cinémage, founder of Echo Studio, partner at Federation Studios, founder of the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC, investor, and serial entrepreneur for his talk to our Chair participants.
We had the opportunity to learn more about his career, where his true passions lie, as well as his perspective on the ever evolving landscape of entertainment in general and cinema in particular.
Future of Sports & Media Seminar
We recently hosted a joint event with the ESSEC Sports Chair at Parc des Princes, deep diving at the future of sports and media!
Lola Denève and Antoine Muller from PwC, Vincent CHUPIN from VCn INTERNATIONAL, Nicolas Deal from Orange, and Emilie Montané from L'EQUIPE, Nadia Benmokhtar from Paris Saint-Germain, Mathias Priez from Paris Basketball, all of whom provided great insights on the topic and engaged in in-depth discussions with our students.
A big thank you also to our Chairs' participants who contributed by interviewing our guests!
G2 Esports Seminar
Our participants recently had the opportunity to interact, learn from, and pick the brain of Alban Dechelotte, CEO of G2 Esports.
Alban Dechelotte talked about the gaming industry and the role of esports, their current importance, as well as their expected—if not inevitable—growth.
An eye opening moment was when Alban Dechelotte made a fact-based comparison of the gaming industry to other forms of entertainment. In addition, he made a very strong case about the attractiveness of the esports audience to advertisers when compared to the respective audience of traditional sports. He also provided great insights regarding the business model of the top esports teams, contrasting it to that of top European football clubs.
Thank you Alban Dechelotte and G2 Esports for a truly insightful and forward looking session!
Spotify Seminar
Thank you Spotify for being such amazing hosts for the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC!!!
Our participants had the opportunity to interact, learn, and pick the brains of Antoine M., Managing Director France & Benelux, Milena Taieb, Global Head of Trade Marketing Partnerships, and of course our super great host and alum Romain Takeo Bouyer, Head of Content Analytics & Music. We discussed about the evolution of the music industry, the career paths of our keynote speakers and learnings from them, how to land a job at Spotify, as well as the truly exciting use of data to create value for its users. What an insightful event!
Thank you all for having us and for an absolutely great day!
Series Mania Seminar
Recently, the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC participants had the opportunity to interact and learn more about the business of Festivals, the opportunities that arise during them, and all the actions and the history of SERIES MANIA from Leticia Godinho, Head of Business Development of the SERIES MANIA Business Forum, and François Van Roekeghem, SERIES MANIA Responsible for Educational and Cultural Actions.
Thank you both for joining us and for a great session! We can't wait to catch up with you in just a couple of weeks in Lille!!!
For more information on how our Chair prepares the next generation of business leaders, what sets them apart, as well as information on partnership opportunities reach out to Celia LECHA and Harris Kyriakou, or follow the link below:
Everything you want to know about the content industries: music, cinema, video games, audiovisual, press, AI
The Media & Digital Chair is delighted to welcome
its 18th class of international participants:
Claire CAVAILLE - Miranda (Yongjia) CUI - Lucie DAUGE
Célia DJALOGUE - Clarisse DOUSSAUD - Shreyans DUBEY
Salomé GILLYBOEUF - Isabella GORI - Charles GURY
Céleste JUBAN - Jeanne LACHERE - Yasmine MEGHAR
Léonore MILLET - Hugo MONS - Estelle MOUILLOT
Clément RICHARD - Lucie ROLLIN - Clément SANSOUCY
Yihan SHEN - Xiyuan XU
Coming from a variety of backgrounds but all driven by the same passion for the content industries, they will aim to understand the strategic challenges of digital while analyzing the profound changes that are shaking up the various sectors.
Seminars, briefs, meetings with our partners, this new year promises to be a rich one, and promises to be full of exciting exchanges with our new members!
Social Event & Certificate Ceremony
On September 28th, 2023, the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC held its social event, during which participants of the Chair that graduated recently received their certificates. The event was kickstarted by ESSEC Business School Dean of Faculty, Prof. Michel BARONI.
During the event, our partner companies, alumni, Chair participants, and members of our extended network received an update by Prof. Harris Kyriakou, Holder of the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC, on the evolution of the Chair, on the impact of artificial intelligence on content and creative industries, as well as how the Chair is equipping its participants for the tech-infused business world of tomorrow.
The Chair also recognized the efforts of Mr. Alexandre Leon, Director of Content Strategy at Orange, Ms. Léna Dion, Employer Brand Manager at the Groupe TF1, Mr. Julien Gehin, Strategic Marketing for Entertainment at Orange, Mr. Pascal Lablanche, former Executive Director of the Chair, and Mr. Serge Hayat, Cinemage Chairman, founder of the Chair, and serial entrepreneur, who received service awards for their unwavering support toward the advancement of the students, goals, and mission of the Chair.
During this special evening our partners, alumni, as well as media and tech
executives gathered to celebrate the success of our students, who shared their enriching experiences, and to strengthen the valuable links with our partners and network.
Our warmest congratulations to all of our Chair alumni, as well as a big thank you to our partner companies Orange & Groupe TF1, and our service awards recipients!
Cannes Film Festival 2023
Our participants in the 2023 class of the ESSEC Media & Digital Chair attended the Cannes Film Festival to assisted to various screening.
Many thanks to Cannes Film Festival and to the partners of the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC: Groupe TF1 and Orange!
Study trip in London 2023
Participants in the 2023 class of ESSEC's Media & Digital Chair attended a 4-day study trip to London.
A week rich in meetings and visits.
Our participants visited the following companies:
- Captify & meeting with Martin Gruau,
- Studio Canal + (Vivendi/Copyright Group) & meeting with Zoé Marty & Candice Hamou (Up Up Consulting)
- Sky Studios & conference
- Universal Music & meeting with Laure Jullian
- NBC Universal & meeting with Brice Longnos & screening of the movie Cocaine Bear
- Google & meeting with Julie-Anne Negiar & Martin Arnaud
A big thanks to all the companies who welcomed us and to the partners of the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC: Groupe TF1 and Orange!
Series Mania Festival 2023
Participants in the 2023 class of the ESSEC Media & Digital Chair attended the SERIES MANIA Festival in Lille for three days.
Our participants kicked off the event by attending Konbini's opening evening.
On Saturday, they attended masterclasses with Cédric Klapisch, Brian Cox and Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, as well as screenings. The evening was devoted to Comedy Night.
Finally, on Sunday, the program included a conference on "Can war be represented in series?", a masterclass with Tomohisa Yamashita, and screenings.
Many thanks to SeriesMania, and to the partners of the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC: Groupe TF1 and Orange!
On the occasion of the opening dinner of the 2023 season, the ShareMedia Association, which brings together some 450 alumni of the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC, was pleased to welcome Nicolas Hunsinger, Director of Sustainability at Ubisoft and graduate of the Chair, to discuss the role of media and entertainment in the environmental transition.
At the heart of the ecological transition at Ubisoft, Nicolas Hunsinger shared his expertise on the various environmental issues related to the video game industry and the crucial role of sustainability in the strategy of the French group and the industry as a whole.
Three hours of rich exchanges with alumni and students of the class of 2023 in a friendly and benevolent environment, witnessing a real desire to share and raise awareness on the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Share Media will meet again on March 8 and will have the pleasure of welcoming Sahar Baghery, Head of Content France at Prime Video & Amazon Studios.
Credit by: Geoffrey Fosso
TF1 Seminar
On Tuesday, January 17, 2023, the students of the Media & Digital Chair - ESSEC had the privilege of visiting the offices of our partner Groupe TF1 to meet with professionals in the sector.
A big thank you to Liza Gordon, Léna Dion, Olivier Ravanello, Yann Geneste, Laure Monjanel, Laurent Jullien and Robin Cohen for the exchange and sharing of their inspiring experiences.
Our students also had the opportunity to visit the TV breakingnews sets just before the start of the 8:00 pm news.
Integration Day
On Saturday, January 07, 2023 took place the integration day of the new promotion.
The program of this day :
Guided tour of the Top Secret Exhibition at the Cinémathèque française
Immersion in the Quiz Room Odeon for a quiz session like on a TV set: our students competed in teams to be the first to buzz.
Afterwork with the participation of the members of the ShareMedia office, the alumni association of the Chair.
This first meeting allowed our students to meet each other, to discover each other and to create a cohesion of a group passionate about the media and content industries.
Thanks to our partners TF1 Group and Orange.
Everything you want to know about the content industries: music, cinema, video games, audiovisual, press, AI
Head of Enterprise Sales - Business Messaging - Meta France and alumnus of the Media and Digital Chair (class of 2009- 2010).
Production Manager and alumnus of the Media and Digital Chair (class of 2018-2019)
Interview of Louis-Kyan Minoui
Production and Development Manager at Maremako & Co-founder of AVE Studios and alumnus of the Media and Digital Chair (class of 2021-2022).
Interview of Laurine Deschamps
Global Brand Manager at IO Interactive and alumnus of the Media and Digital Chair (class of 2016-2017).