Invited Schools

Thanks for supporting our school tournament event and below here is the list of invited schools to participate / support our annual Dato Sim Badminton Championship Cup 2019


Below here is the list of the Invited school for Dato Sim Cup Badminton Championship 2019 :-

1)沙登公民华小 2)汉民华小 3)沙登华小一校 4)沙登华小二校 5)梳邦华小 6)益智华小 7)力行华小 8)敦陈祯禄华小 9)子文华小 10)深静哈古乐华小 11)敦陈修信华小 12)竞智华小 13)沙登岭华小 14) 觉侨华小 15) 龙溪华小 16)雪邦华小 17)双溪比力智明华小 18)华联华小 19)联合华小

ABCEGHJ只限于被邀请的学校 , 其他没被邀请的学校 subject to organiser approval.

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