Inclusion Policy (SSS)

April, 2022




At Escola Eleva, we take the issue of inclusion seriously: we believe that all children and teenagers have the right to learn every day they go to school. Therefore, we are dedicated to increasing access and engagement in learning for all of our students, regardless of their physical, intellectual, emotional, linguistic, or other conditions, by identifying and removing barriers. We do so guided by the principles of equality (equal rights for all) and equity (different services for those who learn in different ways).

The Student Support Services (SSS) department, composed of psychopedagogy professionals and mediators, is responsible for developing this goal.


We use the best national and international references in inclusive education to define the course of action of the work of the SSS department. Teachers work in partnership with the SSS Department and our work methodology includes adapting and/or modifying the curriculum, adopting a variety of teaching strategies and organizational arrangements to allow for students' permanence in school and their academic success.

Once identified that a student needs to be assisted by the SSS team, a more detailed evaluation of their prior knowledge, potential, abilities, difficulties, and needs is carried out by the department specialists.

Following this evaluation, the SSS specialists create an Individual Educational Program (IEP), laying out specific objectives and suggested strategies for each student. Based on this program, the SSS team plans activities for meetings between the student and mediator, which can range from weekly to daily basis, and suggestions for strategies for the classroom. These activities aim both at the presentation of the contents in an appropriate way to meet the individual needs of the student, as well as different ways of assessing the learning of the contents worked. The IEP is periodically revised to better suit the student's learning and progress.

With a well-founded and properly implemented inclusive education proposal, we can see students’ constant growth throughout the school year, and watch as they manage to achieve the goals that were carefully planned based on the reality of each student. Therefore, once we verify that the student is able to continue their learning without the support previously offered, the program starts a phase of reduction until it is eventually suspended. We call this system "revolving doors": the student enters, stays or leaves the program, always according to their needs.

* All inclusion or differentiation processes should be aligned with our handbook and policies. If needed, Headmasters and Teaching & Learning Central will reflect and decide about a specific case.

How to refer a student to the SSS Department?

The referral of students who need to participate in the special services offered by Escola Eleva must be done by teachers, other school professionals or their guardians, in attention to the following process:

● The guardian presents a diagnosis, a difficulty or a high achievement capability that has been identified in the student in a meeting with the Counseling Coordination;

● A teacher or another instructional staff working with the student queries the Counseling Coordinator as to the students’ learning process;

● The information is forwarded to the SSS team, in a document that includes the matters raised by the student’s guardians and their teachers’ views;

● SSS Department starts a process with the students’ family in order to evaluate and discuss the possibilities and needs of the service.

The work of the SSS team is very important, but we stand by the saying“It takes a village to raise a child”. Therefore, the team works in close partnership with the school's psychologist and the counseling coordination, bridging the gap between SSS professionals, divison coordinatiors, teachers and guardians. The team is also available to work in partnership with professionals from outside the school who may assist the students.