
Embold Inc. is a non-profit organization located in Shelby, Ohio.  Our business model appears very similar to any profit-maximizing business, however, the underlying objective of Embold is to create social benefits.  Comparative to any for-profit business, we provide products/services for a profit, but the surplus generated is

then utilized to meet social needs. Embold is cause-driven rather than profit-driven, with the hope of being a change agent for the world.

The Embold professional skills training supplement provides comprehensive online training that directly corresponds to each of the 14 professional skills identified in the OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal Rubric

Embold offers an extensive library of business/technical courses preparing individuals to obtain industry-recognized credentials from Amazon, (ISC)2, CompTIA, PMI, Cisco, Microsoft, and more.

Contact:  Rob Musick (rmusick@embold.org)