Stopping climate change

Ways to stop climate change

What can we do about it?

Earth's natural causes, volcanic eruptions, or the sun's activity, are things we can’t change but we can decrease the amount of greenhouse gases you let out into the air can be more controlled. Many of our daily activities cause more greenhouse gasses to be released into the atmosphere including driving cars and using electricity. You can help by trying to cut down on the amount of electricity you use as well as how much driving you (or your parents) do and by planting trees.

To improve global warming we reduce our usage of greenhouse gasses.

  1. Reduce the energy of our cars, homes, and power plants while lowering greenhouse gasses by planting trees.

  2. Capture the carbon emitted by power plants and store it underground;

  1. Produce more energy from nuclear, natural gas, and renewable fuels—solar, wind, hydroelectric, and biofuels;

  1. Stop deforestation and soil degradation worldwide, while reforesting more areas.

Plant trees

Use more environmental friendly transportation habits

Lower your heating bill/ use less energy resources

Don’t eat too much meat

Educate people in general and about global warming

Support healthy plants


Support businesses that try to make a change