The Texas Formative Assessment Resource (TFAR) is an online platform that enables educators to create, administer, analyze, and share formative assessments. Data from formative assessments is used to inform teaching decisions and improve instructional supports. TFAR is an optional tool that is available at no cost to districts and open-enrollment charter schools and is not tied to accountability.

TFAR is meant to supplement and support existing district resources and formative assessment practices. Quizzes built using this tool should be combined with a broader set of classroom formative practices that are part of a coherent instructional framework.

Region 4 ESC TFAR Sessions

These sessions will lead participants through the different TFAR components. These sessions will be most beneficial if participants have a Cambium log in, which can be created by their District Testing Coordinator. Register below for upcoming TFAR Sessions (virtual).

TFAR Overview:

Utilize the TEA Libraries to Create Assessments | Register here

Deep Dive into Creating Items: 

Experience the TFAR Platform and Create Item Types | Register here

Deep Dive into the CRS:

Navigate the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) and Generate Available Reports | Register here

TEA Resources

Questions for the team? 

Submit a Help Desk Ticket here