State Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives Consultant, 

K - 5 Reading High-Quality Instructional Materials, 

High-Impact Tutoring

Brenna Muscatell

(325) 675-8655

Strategic Initiatives Consultant, 

K-5 Math High-Quality Instructional Materials,     High Impact Tutoring

Rachel Smith

(325) 675-8671

Strategic Initiatives Consultant, 

K - 5 Reading High-Quality Instructional Materials, 

High-Impact Tutoring

Lana Harris

(325) 675-7014

Strategic Initiatives Consultant, 

Strong Foundations

Stephanie Brunett

(325) 675-7038 

Strategic Initiatives Consultant, 

Strong Foundations

Monica Ford

(325) 675-8699 

Strategic Initiatives Consultant,

 Teacher Incentive Allotment,  

Carmen Crane

(325) 675-8662 

Strategic Initiatives Consultant,

Strategic Compensation,

 Teacher Incentive Allotment,  

 National Board Certification

Jaime Tindall

(325) 675-8644

Strategic Initiatives Consultant,

 Teacher Incentive Allotment,  

Amber Bates

(325) 675-7009 

Anne Post, Program Manager

(325) 325-7042

Linda Hammond, Program Facilitator

(325) 675-8675

Myra Rains, Program Facilitator


Mission: Texas Lesson Study is committed to supporting student mastery, building the professionalism of teaching, and developing cultures of learning and improvement through transformative professional development processes.

Vision: Teachers across Texas will embrace Lesson Study as part of their ongoing professional growth, improving instructional practices and knowledge of content-specific pedagogy to drive significant student learning gains.

Proven Process - Lesson study is a proven process in which teachers drive improvements to their teaching and learning through collaborative action research.

Continuous Improvement - In Lesson Study, teachers engage in cycles of continuous improvement. Together, groups of teachers examine a problem of practice, plan instructional solutions, teach, observe, reflect, and share the results of their work.

Deep Understanding - The product of Lesson Study goes beyond perfecting a single lesson. Working together to plan, practice, and reflect, teachers develop a deep and lasting knowledge of content and pedagogy.

What is Texas Lesson Study?

Texas Lesson Study (TXLS) is a TEA initiative that utilizes inquiry-based, job-embedded professional development where teachers work collaboratively to develop, teach, and assess research-based lessons.

As part of this initiative, teachers analyze data, research effective strategies, create lessons, and reflect on effectiveness.  A collaborative discussion and development model is used to enhance lesson effectiveness and teacher craft.  These mini-cycles continue throughout the year.  TXLS can support any campus or state-level initiative by providing instructional coaching and on-going support for implementation fidelity.

For more information about Texas Lesson Study, contact Anne Post at 325-675-7042 or