Our meetings

Interview with Mr. Ajnem Khiar Eddine researcher, member of the association "Notre grand bleu"

Mr. Ajnem was kind enough to give us a long interview during which he explained his research work on posidonia and the actions implemented for several years to preserve the biodiversity of the Kuriat islands.

He expressed his desire to be able to use a simple phone application that would allow him to capture some observable characteristics of seagrass beds in order to monitor the health of the beds over time.

As a thank you for his collaboration we decided to create an application with the Appinventor software that would meet his needs. To access our application click here.

Survey of fishermen 

We went to meet fishermen of the region who accepted that we take pictures of their anchors. These anchors are all equipped with 4 hooks that tear off the posidonia when anchored. The fishermen are aware of this but their means do not allow them to buy more sophisticated anchors. 

Moreover, the impact of the anchoring of this fishery, which remains artisanal, is anecdotal compared to the damage caused by pollution, coastal development or trawlers.