Programs and Services
If your family is in need of resources, your FRC can help! Resources your FRC can help with include, but are not limited to...
Preschool Child Care After School Child Care
Resource list of child care programs
Assistance with referrals to Erlanger/Elsmere preschools
After School Child Care
Resource list of child care programs
Summer programs/agencies
Families in Training
Referrals for parenting education programs
FUNdamentals in Early Learning Parent Cafe series
Family Literacy
Resources for parents
Dolly Parton Imagination Library referrals
Parent Cafe series in partnership with Brighton Center
Health Services
Referrals for health services
Assistance with Eyeglasses
Dental Services
Insurance Assistance
Weekend food assistance
FRYSC Food Pantry
Hygiene items
Educational Support
Clothing including coats and shoes
School Supplies
Adult Education and Employment
Utility Assistance
Shelter Assistance
Holiday Assistance