October 2023

It has been an exciting few months in Primary 3, getting to know each other and settling into new routines.  We have been taking part in a wide range of activities and have been working super hard so far!


In numeracy, Primary 3 have been exploring symmetry.  We can now make our own symmetrical patterns!  This is where an image is the exact same on each side.

We have also been exploring addition and subtraction for Hundreds, Tens and Units.  This can be very tricky, so I am super proud of everyone for trying so hard!

We have been completing a range of numeracy questions such as doubling, halving, subtracting and adding, both mentally and written.  These skills are practiced everyday and the children enjoy our daily questions on the board!

Finally, we have been exploring money.  The children are able to calculate change and how to pay for items using different coins and notes up to £10.  The children would love an opportunity to calculate what coins to use when you are out shopping!


In literacy, we have been developing a variety of skills such as note taking and skimming and scanning.  The children successfully took notes about LEGO and put them into a mind map.  Primary 3 were amazing at skimming and scanning, they were able to quickly look for specific information and gather the main idea of the text very fast!

We have also been developing our grammar through learning about nouns and verbs.  We acted out different verbs in drama which was very funny.

Aaron told us "A noun is a person, a place or a thing."

Ayah told us "A verb is an action word, such as running."

Mila gave examples of when we might use skimming and scanning in real life, she said "when reading a recipe or a menu in a restaurant."

IDL - Inventors

Our context for learning is 'inventors'. We have been exploring the difference between an inventor and an invention. We even became our own inventors!  We used our literacy skills, both writing and talking and listening, to create a plan for our roller coasters.  We particularly enjoyed watching different roller coasters in action from different theme parks. Going upside down looked very scary! We used a range of materials such as cardboard, paper straws, cellotape and glue to create our models.

Health and Well-being

Children have been exploring different emotions and how we regulate these.  We were able to draw different emotions and use our sounds to write the emotion.  We also created a feelings monster to tell us how we would react in different situations.

In PE we have been working on our team work through football and basketball.  Children enjoyed choosing their own teams and got very competitive! We discovered the importance of calling for the ball as this tells other players that you are available and ready for the ball.  We are moving onto gymnastics and I cannot wait to see what everyone can do.

Expressive Arts

In Art we have explored the importance of sketching, particularly why we need to lean lightly.  Daniel was spot on and told us "so we can rub it out easily if we make a mistake." We then used different materials such as oil pastels and coloured pencils, to make our sunset super realistic.  Some people even smudged their colours to blend them!

Please scroll through to see some other photos of us being creative in class!