February and March 2024


Persuasive Writing

The day the chairs called for Strike Action! 🥴

Primary 3 were issued with a letter of complaint from their own classroom chairs! The chairs were disappointed with how they have been treated, they were fed up of being swung on and left out for people to trip over. The primary 3 children had to develop their persuasive writing skills to respond to the letter and apologise for the inconvenience they have caused for the poor chairs.

Luckily primary 3 were incredibly successful by using strong and emotive language in order to persuade the chairs to forgive them. The pupils were able to write clear introductions to explain their view on the situation and they were confident in concluding that this issue would be resolved immediately! Well done P3! 🥳

Poetry Writing 

Primary 3 created beautiful poems using alliteration and similes to describe an ocean animal of their choice.

Shape poems do not need to rhyme so the pupils focused on using interesting vocabulary and fitting the writing into the shape of their chosen animal. They look fantastic!


Lions and Tigers have been reading novels recently. Tigers have been focusing on Flat Stanley and we have took part in a lot of fun activities. We used new tools to make cutting cardboard easier. Lions have been reading The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark and worked together in groups to draw their very own Plop!

Listening and Talking

We have all been working hard on our talking and listening. Primary 3 all listened very carefully to my instructions to create a super cool robot. It was funny comparing them all at the end to see who listened and who did not! 

Numeracy and Maths

Grid References

Pupils in the Multiply group thoroughly enjoyed learning about grid references. They were confident in their understanding of what a coordinate is and how to read it. The pupils can confidently identify the X and Y axis and successfully plot a coordinate on a grid. Check out the pictures we discovered when plotting points on a grid!

Multiplication and Division

Pupils in the Divide group have been developing their learning within multiplication and division. The pupils can confidently explain that multiplication is the opposite of division. They can successfully solve division calculations using their prior knowledge. They can also write these calculations into number families.

Data handling

Primary 3 went exploring in our playground to gather data on all of the rubbish. We all created a table in small groups on the different types of rubbish we think we would find. Children then used tally marks when they found a piece of rubbish. Our janitor did help us out and didn't litter pick that day:) We couldn't belive the amount of rubbish that was not in the bin!😯

Health and Wellbeing

Primary 3 have been working extra hard to keep fit.  We have been focusing on dance and were all very successful in creating our own routines, to a variety of music genres. Here we are practising the Tango! 

We have been exploring a range of emotions, thinking about when we feel happy and sad. The children enjoyed writing on the tuff tray to share their ideas. Did you know we can represent different emotions with colours? Not only have we been exploring emotions but also how we can deal with them.  Primary 3 have been working hard on their 'positive thinking' and can identify and put into practise a range of strategies to deal with emotions. This has been very beneficial when completing challenging targets as children overcome their barriers by using a range of strategies. Positive self talk has been the most popular. 


Primary 3 really enjoyed our trip to Whitelee Windfarm. We were learning about wind, rain and shine! It was very interesting to hear all of the facts about the wind turbines. Did you know the nose cone changes direction to face the wind? Of course we all had to give the wind turbine a big hug, some of us found this very scary :)

Big smiles from the front of the bus😀