February 1b

One of our class wanted to make a picture of the Titanic "because I watched a documentary about it last night." So to make a sea background, we tried some paper marbling. Everyone was keen to join in.

"The oil floats."

"Swirl it up."

"You have to make it float on the water."

"It's so beautiful!"

Now time to draw the Titanic,
to stick on to the sea background. 

"We can draw Titanic here."

This all led to much discussion about the Titanic and its demise with peers.

"It has four funnels and a propeller."

"This is the iceberg with spikes."

Continuing the Titanic picture

"I need tissue. This is the iceberg."

Adding the title

Science & Imagination:
making Jelly Play Dough 

Adding the jelly mixture

We work out the consistency:
"It's too sticky... more flour."    "It needs more oil now!"

"I know how to knead it!"

The many advantages of making and modelling with play dough include:
promoting  early science and maths understanding (solids & liquids, chemical reactions, measuring, estimating); collaborative working; improved focus & fine motor skills; sensory exploration; stress relief; stimulation of the imagination.

"I have five coins in mine."  "I have six."

"When you touch these spikes, fireworks shoot out!"

Imprinting using metal jewellery

As it's Shrove Tuesday, we made some "pancakes" too!

"You use this to get it out of the pan."

"You have to put some oil in the pan to stop it sticking."

Creative Construction


The Reading Corner

We are writing our capital letters

Self-initiated Counting games

Creativity with Pastel Pictures

Design, Creativity and Construction

Testing out gradients

Creative Arts: "Can we decorate the Chinese dragon head now?"

"We can cut this gold paper and stick it on."

"This piece can go here."

"It needs some feathers."

The children have also been designing their own individual character masks to tell the Chinese New Year story at our forthcoming Assembly.

"I'm going to make fangs for Snake."

It's Languages Week Scotland and we have been talking about what languages those in the class can speak,  such as Urdu, Romanian and Polish. We have also been singing some French songs and learning French numbers and colours as well as some phrases in other languages. 

The children studied the globe and tried designing flags from around the world. 

"I can speak Urdu. This is how you say "How do you do"....
I can say also "Do you want to drink some water" in Urdu."

"I'm doing Scotland!"

French Colour Beanbags

In Muddy Movers, we have been digging holes to plant apple trees.

One tree successfully in place.