Term 1

October Blog

Hello! Welcome to the October Blog of Primary 7 Alpha. 

New Class Novel - 'Chill' by Alex Nye

In class we have recently started a new class novel. Keeping in the spirit of Halloween, we are already gripped with this spooky story!

Reciprocal Reading

In our reading groups, we have enjoyed taking the lead in our own discussions surrounding a variety of texts. In our groups we have practiced applying the core reading skills of summarising, clarifying, predicting and questioning. 

By doing this we have created a variety of learning posters evidencing our thoughts and judgements. 

Black History Month

In aid of Black History Month, we have been busy learning about the importamce of this time and why is should be celebrated. 

We have learnt about Nelson Mandela and his link to Glasgow's 'Mandela Place' and about Martin Luther King. 

We also enjoyed doing an artist study on Loius Malous Jones and created some artwork inspired by her work. 


In literacy we have been developing our language when describing a setting. We have been focusing on using our sense and combining our knowlegde of figurative langauge. We have been able to include personification, metaphors and similies to make it visual for our readers. We were given the challenge to describe a setting, but could not reveal the location. Our peers then had to read and try to figure our where our setting was. 

We also continue to practice our comprehension skills regularly in class, where we answer higher order questions using full sentences and including evidence from the text to support our answers. 

We have also been looking into the 'writer's style' and making critical analysis of different authors and how they write to suit the needs of their audiences. 


In class we regularly partake in maths relays to apply our problems solving skills. We love working as a team to solve problems and love the competitive nature of the race!

Some of us have been busy learning about area of composite shapes and triangles, whilst some others have been learning about BODMAS to solve multi step calculations. 


In PE we have loved playing and learning about hockey! We have learnt about safe passing, team work and resilience. We look forward to starting Badminton next!