Term 1

November Blog

Hello! Welcome to the November Blog of Primary 7 Alpha. 


This month we have started our enterprise project 'Brilliant Bookmarks' 

Prior to starting our enterprise, we undertook some independent and group research to learn about what makes a successful busyness. For home learning the children undertook their own research to find out information on a successful company and presented their findings to the class. Their was a lot of popularity with 'Apple'. 

"I learned that a business needs to be innovative and change with the times to be successful"

We also filled out job applications and tried to convince our reader/employer why we would be suitable for a specific role in the company. 

The roles available were


In our writing, we have been focusing on characterisation. We have been using the STEAL method to help structure our descriptions and use a range of effective vocabulary. 

S - Speech (What would the character say, how would they say it?)

T - Thoughts (What are they thinking about?)

E - Emotions (What are they feeling, why are they feeling that way?)

A - Actions - (How do they move, what would they e doing?)

L - Looks (What do they look like? What are they wearing?)

Keeping in the spirit of Halloween, we were given the challenge of describing a scary character using the STEAL mehtod. 


In class, the children have been enjoying starting their Tuesday morning using the KALA blocks. 

KAPLA is a loose part resource which encourages sharing, imagination, experimentation and open ended thinking.  The children are given weekly challenges to create a variety of structures where they must work together.