Child Protection and Safeguarding

Please see our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy below.  If you are worried or know of a child who could be at risk of abuse or neglect please speak to the Child protection Coordinator or to a member of staff. You can also share any concerns with the following agencies below: 

Child Protection Co-ordinator : Liz Matthews (Head Teacher 0141 570 7200) 

Deputy Child Protection Co-ordinator : Lesley Menzies/Pauline Houston (Depute Head Teachers 0141 570 7200) 

Police Scotland: 101

Giffnock Police Station: 0141 532 5700

Clarkston Social Work Office: 0141 577 400

Strathclyde Police Family Protection Unit: 0141 532 4900

Standby Social Work Out of Hours: 0800 811 505

KPS Child Protection Policy.pdf