Kirkhill Primary School 

Welcome to Kirkhill Primary School's Website

Welcome from The Head Teacher 

Welcome to Kirkhill 

I am delighted as Head Teacher to welcome you to Kirkhill Primary School. The friendliness of staff, parents, pupils and the welcoming ethos within the school stands out when you visit Kirkhill Primary School.  It is clear we are a school with an extraordinary community, who wish the greatest success for their children with a caring and supportive ethos at the core. 

At Kirkhill, we encourage partnerships with parents/carers and the wider community. We have an active Parent Council who support our school in many ways including organising social and fundraising events throughout the school year. We value strong partnerships with our parents/carers and those within our school community and beyond. Good relationships are essential and we believe in partnership and family learning to enable us to work together to best support our children with their learning and development. 

What makes Kirkhill special is the warm, supportive and nurturing atmosphere and a strong ethos of inclusion, respect and understanding. I am sure you and your child(ren) will enjoy and benefit from all of their experiences here.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you and getting to know you and your families.

Liz Matthews

Head Teacher

Our Vision, Values and Aims