The system of School Boards was replaced in August 2007 by a new system of Parent Councils.  The Scottish Schools (Parental Involvement) Act 2006 makes provision for all parents to be members of the parent forum at a school and to have their views represented to the school, education authority and others through a representative Parent Council for the school.

The intention behind the new legislation is to support parental involvement in a much wider sense than before.  It aims to help all parents to be:

The main changes are as follows:

The Parent Council will still have a role in the appointment of Head Teachers and Depute Head Teachers.

Further information on the Act is available on

Constitution June 2021 – Eaglesham Primary School Parent Council

We aim to meet 7 times a year, and as always everyone is welcome to join us at our meetings.  In order to ensure that all classes / age groups are represented at our meetings, every class (including Nursery) now has a class rep at the meetings.  Most classes have a group chat, either on Whatsapp or Messenger, where updates and information can be shared by the reps.


Nursery - Emma Anderson; Kathryn Miller

P1.1 - Jen Harvey

P1.2 - Karley Stewart

P1.3 - Norma McWhirter

P2.1 - Norma McWhirter

P2.2 - Morag Hannan; Debbie Shields

P2/3 - Claire Barsanti

P3.1 - Stuart Lorimer; Mark Shields

P3.2 - Emma Anderson

P4.1 - Debbie Shields

P4.2 - Robyn Cooper; Emma Messer Doogan; Karen Turner

P5.1 - Felicity Gallagher; Lindsay Black

P5.2 - Laura Bell

P6.1 - Liam MacLeod

P6.2 - Jill Wishart

P7.1 - Jane McLuckie

P7.2 - Lydia Rissmann

All parents are welcome to join our meetings, and we encourage parents/carers of our new P1 and Nursery children to get involved as well.  If you would like to attend the meeting, please email, and we will email the Teams Meeting link.  Hopefully we will be able to get back to face to face meetings in the near future!


Jill McFarlane

Chair of the Parent Council