
"Children are curious about the environments surrounding them, even before they are born.  They want to know how things work and can use problem solving skills from an early age.  Children constantly explore cause and effect through their play.

Numeracy is not just about being able to count.  It is about developing number sense which encourages creativity of thought and it allows children to interact with the world around them.  Number sense can be used to understand everyday activities.  Being able to recognise that symbols have different meanings in different contexts and the ability to quantify e.g. understand the two-ness of 2, is an important life skill.

Numeracy and mathematical thinking encompasses many different elements including recognition of numerical symbols, verbalising numbers and being able to recognise patterns and shapes.  It involves many different skills such as understanding numbers, counting, problem solving, measuring, sorting and patterning.  However, numeracy is not only about developing these skills.  It is about having the ability to apply these concepts in all areas of life."

(Realising the Ambition: Being Me. 2020)