
We pride ourselves on building strong positive relationships with families and our approachable and friendly open door policy has supported this. We communicate in a variety of different ways. 

communication leaflet 2023-24.docx

Daily Communication

During drop off/pick up times there are always members of staff around to chat to who could answer any questions. We also have a family room where we can chat to parents and carers in a more private setting. Your child's key worker is able to pass on any relevant information during these times and if they are not there due to shift patterns another member of staff will be happy and able to chat to you. We have staff photographs on the parent and carer information window in the main foyer. 

Please do not hesitate to get in touch via the messaging service on Seesaw, email or telephone. If your child has an extended placement and you need to contact a member of staff outside of office hours 8-4pm please use this phone number 0141 570 7113. 


Seesaw is the digital online journal platform we use to share your child's learning. This wonderful online learning journal is an easy and accessible way to see what your child is exploring in nursery as well as allowing you the opportunity to share learning and adventures from home. Staff engage weekly with these and you will see regular updates in the form of photos, videos and voice notes.  Prior to your child starting you should receive QR codes which will allow you to join your child's Seesaw account and see welcome videos from the team. 


Please follow us on X (Twitter) @Carolside_ELCC. We post regularly throughout the week and it is a great way of seeing some of the exciting things our children are getting up to at nursery! 

Weekly Communication 

Every Friday you will receive a 'Week Sheet'. This is a weekly rundown on what is coming up the following week as well as information on what has happened. I have posted one below for your reference. Miss Greenshields our class teacher creates this for us. 

17th February 2020.docx

Monthly Communication 

Every month you will receive a newsletter. These contain a summary of significant learning experiences, up and coming events, photographs of the children and details of events you can be involved in. 

Parents Consultations 

We hold parental consultation meetings twice a year for all our children. The purpose of these consultations is to give parents an opportunity to discuss their child’s progress with a member of staff.

At the end of each session all children are issued with a summative report with comments on progress in Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing and general progress through the nursery curriculum.

Proud Cloud

At Carolside Nursery Class we love hearing of all our boys and girl's outside achievements. We enjoy celebrating these in nursery and have a wall display dedicated to sharing photos of our superstars! You are most welcome to send in any home achievements for this wall. 

Stay and Play

We regularly host Stay and Play events where parents/carers or grandparents can come along into nursery to enjoy a session playing with their child.  This is a great opportunity for key workers to share with families all the exciting things we do and learn in nursery, as well as an exciting chance for your child to show you around, introduce you to their friends and play with you in their nursery environment.  

Coffee and Chat

Similar to Stay and Play, we host Coffee and Chat sessions to allow families to come together in the nursery setting. Usually these are hosted by Mrs Gillian and they are a lovely relaxed opportunity to share ideas, hear feedback, get to know other parents as well as having discussions on how we could further improve the nursery. We rolled this out into our grandparent forum in March and this was well attended. 

Parental Workshops

We strive to build positive and joint partnerships with our families. We aim to share useful information in the format of parental workshops. If you have a suggestion on a workshop you'd like to attend please complete this link here: