Carolside Nursery Class 

Hello and welcome to our Carolside Nursery Class website. My name is Lindsey Gillian. I am the acting Depute Head Teacher of ELC to P3 and along with the whole team, we are delighted to welcome you and your family to Carolside Nursery Class. 

We put our children at the heart of all we do, follow their interests and plan exciting experiences to help them develop their skills and grow in confidence. We are a Gold Family Focused nursery and have genuine and close partnerships with our parents and carers. We look forward to getting to know you all and making your child's experience with us a happy, safe and nurtured one. 

Along the top page are separate tabs which all contain relevant and hopefully useful information. There is also a FAQs tab which will hopefully answer further questions.  Please see Seesaw for welcome videos from the team. 

We welcome you to work with us to ensure your child is happy, safe and nurtured. I would encourage you to pop in and speak to us or email or call  should you have any questions, concerns or require any support. 

My email is You can contact me via the main school office on 0141 570 7100. I hope you find this platform useful. 

Lindsey Gillian 

Acting Depute Head Teacher

ELC - P3

Carolside Campus

Pick up and Drop Off

Please use the main nursery entrance for all drop off and pick ups. 

If your child has an extended hours placement with us from 8am - 6pm please use the main nursery door entrance for all drop off and pick ups, please ring the bell on arrival. We would encourage you to use allocated hours in early learning and childcare as this is valuable playing and learning time for your child but we also understand the need for flexibility for our families. Please speak to us if you have any questions about your 8-6pm placement. 

If your child has a core hours placement with us from 9am -3pm, we have a drop off window from 9am-9.10am and the pickup window will be from 2.50pm-3.05pm. We kindly ask you to stick to these windows to allow us to be with the children in the playrooms for the majority of their session. Please queue on the right hand side (when facing the building), staff members will open the doors at 9am to welcome your child into nursery. Please speak to Mrs Gillian if you require support with drop off/pick up times/settling. 

To support your child on arrival, we will have members of staff on the main door during these windows, staff on the internal doors, staff in the cloakroom helping children if required to hang coats and bags and a member of staff supporting handwashing in the toilets on arrival and prior to pick up. When you drop off your child, a member of staff will sign them in and take note of who will be collecting your child at the end of the session.

If your child is coming for their settling visit, regardless of room and team please report to the main nursery door and we will greet you there. 


Hot Lunches

Lunch and Snack Time

As per 1140 provision East Renfrewshire Council will provide a hot lunch to all children attending our establishment. The menu can be found here:  This is on a 3 week rotation and will be shared with you weekly. We have fully set tables with cutlery, crockery, glassware and napkins. We are really looking forward to sharing lunch times with the children and developing their social skills as well as involving them in setting up our dining space, helping themselves to their lunch as well as assisting in clearing the table. I have posted below some quotes from the Setting the Table Scottish Government Document. Although we would encourage your child to choose a hot lunch, if you wish your child to bring a packed lunch box then please feel free to do so. 

Children will:

"It is important to provide a nurturing environment where young children in your care are supported to make appropriate choices, to enjoy the food they are offered and to have the opportunity to take part in the social interaction and learning experiences associated with eating and drinking together."

"Developing social skills: when children sit down together to eat and drink, this provides an excellent opportunity for them to learn good social skills and behaviours associated with eating and drinking. For example, chatting to other children and adults, developing good table manners, learning to use cutlery, offering and sharing food, learning to respect others, tasting and trying foods from different cultures. Try to avoid distractions such as television and lots of noise. Providing good role models: staff can provide that positive role model. Sitting with children at meal and snack times can enhance social interaction both between children and with staff, turning meal and snack times into a positive learning experience." Full Document here. 


If your child is starting with us for the first time please refer to our settling policy for more specific information about your first few days.  

Please send your child with a waterproof coat as each day we will be encouraging learning outdoors. We also request that you provide a change of clothes for your child, a set of wellington boots and a waterproof suit if possible. We do have a limited number of nursery waterproof suits that your child is welcome to use if you are not able to provide one. These items can be kept in a small rucksack or drawstring bag and left on your child’s peg. Please remember to label all of your belongings to ensure that they are returned to you if mislaid

Please contact us with any questions you have prior to your child starting with us. 

0141 570 7100 

Tooth Brushing 


Please find an information video from Mrs Debbie Wilson our community nurse from the health improvement Team.